Calling ALL Patriots and KCRP 26th Legislative District PCOs:
Support OUR candidate Jesse Young! He needs our help staffing up his phone bank in Gig Harbor. The campaign needs volunteers to sign up/schedule with Lucy Young @ 253-346-7226.
Phone bank hours:
Mon – Fri 10 am – 7 pm (First timer’s training provided @ 9 am)
Saturday 2pm – 7 pm (First timers training provided @ 1 pm)
5715 Wollochet Gig Harbor 98335
We need to make this last hundred-yard dash to support Jesse Young 26th Legislative District State Representative Position 1. Help be the reason people get out and vote for our candidate. Jesse Young is one of our real Conservative Patriots who is always fighting for us, the American people. We need to support him to help save our Republic.
LET’S “Get out the VOTE.”
