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Lincoln Day Dinner


Join us and your fellow Republicans on Saturday, April 12th, for an enjoyable and inspiring celebration of Lincoln and the principles of the Republican Party.  The 2025 election gives Kitsap County a fantastic chance to make a difference in local and state elections.  In 2024, we developed new strategies, and in 2025, we can't wait to see the positive changes WAGOP will bring to our county.  Change in Washington State starts at home.  Let's work together to flip local and state seats from the bottom up.  Your support will help the KCRP work smarter and expand our efforts.


This year we are excited to have as our main speaker, Glen Morgan, founder of We The Governed.  Glen is currently the volunteer Executive Director for the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights.  Glen Morgan was the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at the Freedom Foundation 2011-2015.  He enjoys creating videos documenting Big Government’s abuses of citizens, particularly on property rights issues.


We are also excited to welcome Bill Bruch and Ashley Ray to our Lincoln Day Dinner event.


Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WAGOP Executive Board Member, 5-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former La Conner Town Council Member, and WA State 2016 & 2024 RNC National Convention Delegate. 


Ashley Ray is the Development & Support Director of the Washington State Republican Party. With a background in organizational management, strategic marketing, training and mentorship, conflict resolution, and communications, she will help county parties work smarter and equip them with the tools needed to free up resources for the boots-on-the-ground efforts that lead to winning elections.


Juliana McMahan, Kitsap County Republican Party Chair will share her thoughts and plans for success!


We hope you will be able to attend or help us with this event. 

Please read more on the How You Can Help page.


Thank you for your support!

The LDD Planning Committee

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