We all value: Affordable Housing
Washington State Home Ownership Plunging!
Republicans have SOLUTIONS that support YOUR values.
RE-THINK Republicans

Washington is producing the fewest housing units per household of any state in the country due to unnecessary regulatory costs and fees, permit delays, restriction zoning laws, and antiquated Growth Management Act.
Washington ranks 43rd in home ownership, and declining. At the end of 2020, only 63% owned homes.
Produced 225,000 fewer housing units than needed in the last 15 years – 8th worst in USA.
Housing underproduction impacts renters–Washington renters spent the 7th highest percent of income on median rent in the USA.
Democrat Actions:
Washington State currently holds the longest streak of Democratic governors in the nation, having last elected a Republican to the top executive office in 1980. The WA State Senate and House have been under Democrat control for over 20 years (see chart below). Democrats do NOT have solutions.
Republican Solutions:

Vote for SOLUTIONS that support YOUR values.
Together - Let's Elevate Washington State
Get Involved Now! #YourRightsMatter
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